Monday, February 19, 2007

Taking time to rest

Do you ever wake up and know there is so much to do and get overwhelmed and want to just climb back into bed........fluff the pillows, pull the blankets up to your chin and go right back to sleep...........That was my day yesterday. I woke up still sleepy and unrested.........but I dragged myself out of bed.......showered, threw on some clothes and lipstick.......and headed to church. The service was great.....and I felt like it was for my ears only. I left church fully drained....emotionally and physically. It was foggy and cold........with a heavy mist in the air.......and a chill in my bones.

I went home.......cold......and tired.........changed into my nice fluffy warm PJ's and jumped back into bed. Oh I could fight the urge........and get my to do list done.......but I needed the comfort of my home......and just doing nothing. It felt great.......I was warm.......I was comfy.......and i was home.

It's like a empty path ...........and yet all around you......your surrounded by life and the activity of nature but you don't want to want the freedom to do nothing.......but knowing that if you is around you when you want to join in. Some times we need that solitude......we need the time to re-energized........we need to be one with ourselves. Once we have had our time..........we jump back into the forest and we are off and running to our goals again........each goal is different for the time and place we are in our lives.......but each goal is important to who we become and how we got their. My goal is learning to take time for sounds simple......but for's a work in progress.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Getting my mojo back

This morning I took a walk on the at the tend to take that for granted. It was such a beautiful warm sunny morning. The wind wasn't blowing, the ocean was glassy and breaking just so perfect and the sound of the crashing waves at the shore was the added bonus. I had my warm coffee in hand.......and the spirit to conquere the world.

For me looking out at the ocean as far as an eye can relaxing, refreshing and makes me feel one with God and the universe. It is cleansing at times......I've gone there to laugh and have fun, to cry and heal my pain, to think and contemplate which direction my life needs to go, and each time it was a much needed journey.

My spirit has been dim and now I am feeling energized and ready to live life for God, me, my kids and my family. My spirit is back and I am going to let it shine. Or as my good friend "J" would say.......I got my mojo back.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's is not just for lovers........

When we grow up we look at Valentine's Day as a day to appreciate our lover.......but what happened to the silly little cards that you wrote your name on the back and handed out to everyone? We use to handed them out to the ones who we liked......who we kicked dirt at and even pushed on the playground.........we still wanted to show them they were thought of.

Then we grew up........and we forget at times to let the ones we see everyday ......that we look forward to their matter what it may be........Maybe the office grouch....even Sesame Street has one..........the office.....little Miss Ray of Sunshine....(I've been guilty of that one)............or even the office hermit.........we relied on them to be who they are.....we may not like it at times......but just having the familiarity is comforting and much taken for granted everyday. So today ........the day of love and kindnes.........let the ones you see everyday know what role they play in your may be small but it has hundreds of hours invested in being who they are and how they interact with you............and if they were gone tomorrow they would be missed..........even the grouch........