Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I've learned from the Great

I was a wife........and now I am not........but always a mother. I guess I find myself feeling lucky that I have four kids........and each one so different from each other........and yet so bonded to me and each other. I am lucky that I have great role models......my mom was always there for us.....and the queen of her castle. Not exactly a castle........but did try her best to make it look good and always........always kept it clean. She could have made Mrs. Brady look like she needed help..........actually she did........she had Alice..........my mom........well she did it all. She raised two kids........while my dad worked. She did all the cooking, cleaning, car pooling, parent volunteering. She made sure we were involved in church, sports and school activities, and was team mother along with it plus, made Dad do his parenting part too. We had campfire, cub scouts, choir, band, Royal Rangers & Missionettes, along with church youth groups and our house always had friends hang out their. Mom made sure we had chores to teach us responsibility........we just thought she loved to torture us. She made sure we felt love and safe......and even now when I am under the weather........I call her and say.........."I want my mommy".......we giggle and she asks if I need anything. You see my mom still remains my hero of mom's. She has moved on up.........not only is she a wonderful mom.......she is a wonderful Grandma. When I am tied up with one child she jumps right in and takes up the slack with the other.........let it be practices, or Easter egg hunting or just making a day special for the kids....."Nanna" is there.....and always will be.......you see......she is who I aspire to be. She created many good child hood memories........and I treasure them and try to keep the tradition....Corn beef and cabbage......not what I like.....but it's the family tradition on St. Pa tricks day.........and who wouldn't have a cook out on Fourth of July? Don't forget......good old fashion tent camping.......and smore's on the fire pit. I know that singing at the top of your lungs off key is a family keeper...only we try hard to sing with the best we just don't have that quality in our blood line. We all are dancers........and outdoor gardening seems to be loved in each generation........and the best thing my mother has given us the respect and love for our elders........and the lives they have lived. She is a keeper and am so happy that she is proud of me as a women but very proud of me as a mother......that is a compliment coming from the best of them. I can not give enough thanks for giving me life, love and bringing me into this world............I honor my mother..........and all the mothers because the role they play in our lives. I was loved.......and I am able to show love.......freely........and greatly. Thank you mom.

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